domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

British and Brazilian Food

British food is based on beef, lamb and pork, chicken and fish, normally served with potatoes or other vegetable. The most common and typical food eaten in British include sandwichs, fish and chips, pies, trifle and roast dinners
Some of the most popular England’s dishes are these:
-          Yorkshire Pudding: is not usually eaten like dessert, but is a part of the main course or at the starter. It is made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked and usually moistened with gravy.

-          Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted): Similar to Yorkshire Pudding but with sausages.

-          Roast Meats: typical meats for roasting are the joints of beef, pork, lamb or a whole chicken.

-          Fish and Chips: fish deep fried in flour battler with fried potatoes.

- Shepherds' Pie: minced Lamb with vegetables and popatoes.

-          Cottage Pie: minced beef with vegetables and potatoes.

-  Lancashire Hotpot: a casserole of meat and vegetables with potatoes.

-          English breakfast: eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans.

-          Cumberland sausage: a famous pork sausage presented coiled like a rope.

Vegetables: Brussel Sprouts, Carrots and Roast Potatoes.


Drinks: Every day, the British people drink 165 million cups of tea. This is a traditional drink in Britain. Other drink is coffee that the people drink with milk or have it black.
The Brazilian food has a variety of influences. Some of these dishes are:

-          Acarajé: made from peeled black-eyed peas formed into a ball and then deep fried in dendê.

-          Broa: made from a mixture of cornmeal and wheat or rye flour, and is leavened with yeast rather than baking powder or baking soda.

-          Coxinha: is a popular Brazilian snack. It is made from shredded chicken and spices like Catupiry-style cheese, enclosed in wheat flour and deep fried.

-          Farofa: is a toasted manioc flour and the flavors can vary. This is often prepared ar home based on family recipes.

-          Pastel: is a typical fast food that is a thin pastry envelope wrapping with assorted fillings that is deep fried.

-          Rice and beans: this dish consists of white rice and brown, red or black beans and other foods like meat or chicken.

-          Churrasco: is a term referring to beef or grilled meat.

-          Feijoada: is a stew of beans with beef and pork.

-          Cocada: is a sweet made mainly from coconut.

-Quindim: made from sugar, egg yolks and ground coconut.

-          Maria Mole: is similar to a marshmallow and made from egg whites, sugar, gelatine and coconut.

-          Brigadeiro: is made by mixing sweetened condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder. It usually rolled into balls which are covered in granulated chocolate.

-          Açaí na tigela: is made of frozen and mashed açaí palm fruit. It is served like a smoothie in a bowl or in a glass, topped with granola, banana and mixed with other fruits.

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